Thanks for your interest in Misophonia Cognitive Retraining Therapy.
Over the past seven years I have developed MCRT as an effective, therapy for reducing the debilitating symptoms of Misophonia. MCRT is based on the precepts of Cognitive Behavior Therapy, custom designed to deal with the overwhelmingly present mind-body, body-mind interaction, which have empirically demonstrated to be a crucial part of the misophonia problem.
Furthermore, the Misophonia Cognitive Retraining Therapy has been highly successful in reducing the symptoms of the trigger response, as well as the anxiety, depression and anger that fuel and maintain misophonia in a continuous cognitive feedback loop. Misophonia Cognitive Retraining Therapy focuses on the principal role thoughts, feelings and emotions play in the trigger response. Typically, misophonic feedback loops begin in pre-adolescence and include startle and trauma responses. Further fueled by stress hormones, adrenalin, plays a key role in the brain wiring and neuro-biochemistry of the misophonia sufferer.
Misophonia Cognitive Retraining Therapy:
A Three-Stage Approach
Through a process known as neuroplasticity, MCRT provides hands-on, practical techniques, through a three stage approach to assist the misophonia sufferer rescript, redirect and reinterpret negative thoughts, feelings and emotions which contribute to trigger responses. Also crucial is working through one’s emotional reactivity to life’s stressors, including managing difficult relationship and family problems brought on by the misophonia itself. Clients also learn through the therapy to monitor glycemic levels and adrenal functioning, making necessary dietary changes as part of the process of “connecting all of the dots.”
The three stage approach consists of:
Stage 1: Working through the psychological fallout of living with misophonia.
- Stage 2: Lowering the trigger response to misophonic reactivity by developing tools and strategies aimed at limiting one’s exposure to triggers; learning to work through difficult relationship problems that are felt to be stumbling blocks to growth, as well as learning techniques to work with people whose behavior sets off the misophonia.
- Stage 3: Trigger desensitization through both meditation and incremental trigger tolerance exposure over time.
My referrals come primarily from both the website, as well as ENTs and audiologists in the New York Metropolitan area, the U.S., Canada, England, Spain, Germany South Africa and Latin America. I speak five languages fluently including Spanish, Portuguese and German and lived for several years in Venezuela and Brazil. I also offer the option of telephone or skype sessions.